Wednesday, 27 December 2006

"All you need is Love"

Hi, all well its thursday morning, the party is in full swing here at the Drinkers Centre
by the inhouse disco provided for residents, who unable to sleep, although the number is
small, 35 gives guests, a option from watching Television, or using IT, During the day, we
had many support services at our disposal,dentist, doctor, eye tests, feet checks, counselling
3 hot meals each day,and plenty of snacks in between, showers, new clothes,and a secure
luggage lock to put them, entertainment "live "during the day, rock,and classical...
im sure i have missed a few things, another springs to mind plenty of reading material[books]
showers, thats another one..plenty off ongoing support from volunteers, if you just wanted
to talk to someone, about life in general,and volunteers were also given[must have been in
induction] how and were to link people who were shy? whatever, this so important!

I did type this e-mail out earlier, but lost in transfer to net,anyway while i was typing
this out the first time, two things happened,one was listening to the television
and the song by the BEATLES was being played "All you need is love" and felt
there was a definite vibe, by all the hidden support the guests like myself are given
its that human contact,shaking hands, asking you ok any problems, how are you,
this comes across loud, and clear,The second was i stopped to talk to a volunteer
on my way across one of the many rooms we are in this wharehouse, in which
the Drinkers centre is
The gentlemans name was Wayne, and in conversation,he told me that over
two years ago, he told that he used to be a Herion and Crack user,but had got
himself clean, and was going to stay that way, and had offered his support as
a volunteer to the Crisis Open Christmas centres, of which there are 7 around
London, and of course was at the drinkers shelter, when we met, In his own
words "this has been a very empowering experiance for me helping others"
and keeps my resolve to stay clean...
i finish this blog
"All you need is Love"
a street homeless guest
the phantom blogger

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