Wednesday 27 December 2006

cough, cough, cough..

Word for me today is "symbiotic relationships". By this i mean how we all seem to be getting
on together, okay has its moments, like all things in life, you put people from all walks of into
a building, and in this case its the drinkers shelter, and you are bound to have a few rash
moments, but these moments have been dealt with admirabily by the expertise of the green
badges, in conjuction with volunteers who are service providers, who wear badges with a
orange ring on the outside edge of badge, and volunteers who wear plain white badges..
and LOTS of common sense..instead of petty, rules and regulations, that abound within
the homeless sector providers of accommodation, i can only relate this too battery
chickens, who peck at each other, when not having enough space to move, and other
problems that arise when couping up chickens, they get de-clawed. There is a atmosphere
of social acceptance,we all together, which draws me to the message heading coughing !
What do i mean? as most guests are smokers,,and with the new rules and
regulations coming into force soon,how will the shelters operate in the future
what will they be designated as, will probally be the deciding factor,
and going back to social acceptance, its has been noticed that after talking
to lots of the volunteers, that they do not smoke, but have accepted that
most guests do, and i for one have not heard any complaints..
so there we are ,with a bit of respect for each other
the world could be a much nicer place to live in..
The phantom blogger

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