Thursday, 28 December 2006

New thinking about homelessness please

Hi all. Spotted today (although a bit late): media release from Crisis posted 20 December 2006 and comments made by Duncan Shrubsole(Head of Policy) says,
"Many single homeless people are not included in the latest government figures."
But the issues not just about statistics. We need to be much more ambitious and redouble our efforts if we really want to end homelessness. We need to ensure that there's enough appropriate and affordable housing to encourage rent for single people and families.
It was noted in the Crisis Open Christmas 2005 guest survey that 15% of those sampled said they had a partner. It has become quite obvious to guests staying at the Drinkers' Shelter and volunteers that many here are not single but have a partner. So, in looking at ending homelessness, should not people who have partners be included in looking at the overall ending of homelessness? So, can I suggest a more comprehensive view is taken by policy and research people when looking into ending homelessness.
The new 2007 strategy will be about homeless prevention. How can you prevent something when you can't -- or have problems -- defining what the homeless population is?
Answers please to the homeless population living either on the streets or are hidden homeless. Why are we being excluded from your thoughts on this subject?
Posted by The Phantom Blogger.

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