Tuesday, 26 December 2006


With all the cans, bottles etc generated at COC drinker's shelter, why are there no recycling bins?

Crisis needs to save resources and become "greener". What do you think??

1 comment:

drinkers2006 said...

In answer to recycling,people like myself ie:street drinker used to this a few years ago, and collect all the empty cans we could ,crush them,by stamping on them, and if i rememember correctly, got about a £1 a day, given by scrap merchants, you had to make sure the ring tabs were taken off though, so in gearing this up,
could become a way of generating funds for the drinkers shelter,next year..suggest crisis has a look at the fesability of this, and get say ken livingstone on board, as the media approach,CRISIS goes GREEN..
,and forget the amount of food in tins,and the empty tins this must produce each day from 7 shelters,and there is internal transport every day between shelters, just need to arrange collecting points,and final destination,
Homeless drinker having a dryday
till rattles arrive