Thursday, 28 December 2006

Democratic Values found at Crisis

hi, all readers,
Thursday,dinner time at drinkers centre..
Well must admit i am well contented, and find myself needing to express my
thoughts through this medium,as i have become aware that lots of the vols
are reading the drinkers centre blog, when coming off shift,having a debrief
session, and some make their way, while others still like to mingle with the
guests,before they leave for a well deserved break,While i have been here
have been using some of services provided for guests, IT, well of course
i have using this,this is how i have communicated, mine and others experiances
plus have been able to get, and be given, what i would like to term a full body
M.O.T as when you are the homeless experiance,or a life of poverty, not all
guests here are homeless dont forget, it can become a drain, physically, or
mentally..on the bodys resourses, its quite a well known fact, that the average age
and life expectancy of someone living on the streets is 42 years old, and poverty
is another common factor, in a decrease in a persons life..
Im starting to make some headway, on getting myself somewhere to stay
when the shelters closes, on saturday morning, this help has been ongoing since
i arrived at the centre on the first day, and for many other guests as well, who
find themselves homeless, many through no fault of there own..
The services that have been on offer, not for getting the Drinkers centre is only
one of severn centres Crisis are running this year, are being monitored, by the guests
The,HOW? and by WHO? can be answered.. Bhug.. Brent Homeless users Group
This is a social enterprise group, set up in Brent in 2002 by homeless people ,and or people
have experianced homelessness, they are conducting a peer interviewing exercise
by interviewing 300 guests, around the 7 centres, as to what they thought
of the services on offer to guests,and how they performed, which will be collected
and analysided, so as ensure that only the best is on offer to guests, a offshoot
of this will be to keep in touch, if possiable with a few guests,after the centres have closed
to see what some of the long term outcomes for people have been, since engagement
process had started at Crisis Open Christmas..this i would to term "democratic values"
Looking back in time, we the homeless...
can now Vote.,
you don,t need a address to registar, use for example a daycentres address
you dont need a address to registar with a doctor..
use for example the doctors sugery address, or again a daycentres address
And we the homeless are trying our best, with the help given from the Homeless
Voluntary sector, in gaining access to IT, fine example i can give is CRISIS SKYLIGHT
in Commercial street.. its a centre for homeless and excluded people, in London
where there is a IT suite we can use..
Im starting to find i am having problems getting access to IT in libarys
they are starting to ask people, if you want to use the IT we need a address
and ID as well, by address they mean home address...this making access
more diffucult now, why is this, good job Crisis is on the ball.....
thoughts from a homeless guest
the phantom blogger..

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