Monday 25 December 2006

hi, all,
Well its Chrismas day, all quiet so far, i,ve been to the Off-licence got a couple of big bottles of
White Strike white cider, this will help me through the day, a geezer just walked past the I.T
section with a daffodil in his hand, was this breakfast? perhaps volunteers were not to his taste!
in thinking jamies comments earlier today,about eating volunteers, Wristbands! the idea
works until you engage with services provided, example: optician you have to give your name
as well as number on wristband, some people have woken up to the fact, that to a certain fact
that we are being, monitored,without our consent given, so the ploy NOW is to swap our
wristbansds around, which i think defeats the whole objective, i for one will keep the wrist band
i was given on till the end, and help Crisis, by allowing them gather the data they need to
help fund the whole Christmas operation
Im a great supporter of CRISIS, they have been there when i needed them
espically around Christmas time, when thoughts go backwards, and you think
of all the happy times,in my life,and this peirod of 7 days, gives time for reflection
thinking where i am, and where i would like to this time next year, which when all
said and, helping others who are suffering the pains, of social exclusion, and Homelessness
being one of the main contributors of this......
as me mum said to me, when the drink goes in,
the brain goe,s OUT
with this i end this blog..
i find typing i pain in the b**t A supportive guest

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