Friday, 29 December 2006

Count down to closer

Only a few hours to go and it's quieter than usual. Is this the calm before the storm or is it just that there are just guests left to their own devices? As all the volunteers disappeared one by one. Have they been slowly cooked and eaten over the last seven days? As there was a meat shortage just days before the shelter opened and it seems a bit strange meat was in abundance over the last seven days. Crissy a long term volunteer has disappeared. Samantha and Jasper and Lydia have disappeared in what some would call mysterious circumstances. We believe it was in the stew which was called posh stew by guests. A few of the green badges have also disappeared. it is believed this was just to add a touch of artificial flavoring. Mystery still surrounds the drinkers shelter as now more volunteers are now on the missing list. Will they turn up next year or have they cooked their goose?

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